Monday, May 2, 2016

Motivate Mondays!

Motivate Mondays will be a series I will have here on my blog while I am on my journey to health & fitness. This is probably the millionth time I have said to myself that I would get back in shape what makes it different? I need to lose weight and just all around make healthier choices for my life. 

This time around I'm making it happen no matter what! I also have my sister who is a fitness bikini competitor and online coach  helping me. 

I wanted to share this journey with you guys since it will not be an easy one for me. So stay tuned folks this should be interesting. 

Tomorrow I will be starting my cleanse

Here is a link to my sister's Facebook and Instagram.  Facebook Instagram She posts fitness tips and recipe ideas on her pages!

Whats your  fitness motivation?

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